Your Weekly Wins🏆

Celebrate your progress and share key achievements with the community!

  • Hit a PR?:weight_lifting_man:
  • Reached a Personal Goal?:running_woman:
  • Stayed on Track?:muscle:

We would also love to see your weekly wins in photos, so upload them here or share on socials #Trans4mWithPer4m to be featured on our newsletter!:camera_flash:


Wearing my Per4m tee at the gym this morning! :smiley:


We’re loving the support! :raised_hands:t2::orange_heart:

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Managed to get up at 6am and in the gym by 7 multiple times this week which is unreal for me as I struggle to get to sleep on a night!

Actually felt great and really accomplished for managing this

Moving further towards my goal of becoming a morning person :muscle:t3:

When does everyone else train best? Morning or night?


Great stuff Bec!

6am Crew here :muscle:


Well done Bec! sounds like you’ve had a great week. I personally love a morning gym session just as I lack motivation in the mornings! Once I’ve been to my i feel amazing and ready to take on the day :pray:t2::orange_heart:

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Hey Adam!

How’s your week been :orange_heart:

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Good thanks, proud I didn’t cave in to ordering food on “interesting “ days haha.

How was your week? Saw you have kids, 8 & 12 here so very much understand your planning in Sundays haha

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Like everyone, I’ve been absolutely written off with a cold. Managed to get through 3 sessions this week before just calling it quits and listening to my body and resting!

Feeling much better after rest, so I’m ready to smash this week :sunglasses:

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Well done! Definitely mornings for me. More energy then.

Managed a deadlift pb of 10 X 82KG this week - not bad for a 61 year old :smiley: Loving the pre workout boost from the Cherry Fiz!


Training partner aka the misses getting after it. Hardcore Sunday on low cals :hot_face:

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Excellent PB, Janette! :clap::muscle:

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Nearly 30,000 steps on Saturday (yesterday) along the River Stort. Very muddy! :crazy_face:

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My Weekly Win from last week was trying my first CrossFit session! Loved it💪

What’s everyone’s goal for this week? Mine is consistency, had a few more rest days than I’d have hoped last week but we’re back on it this week!


My weekly win from last week was surviving a good drop and cardio increase :skull_and_crossbones::raised_hands:


Getting into London Hyrox !!!


Ahh good job!! I had 14000 people in front of me in the queue!

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Great to hear Lisa! Keep on pushing :clap:

Wow that’s a huge achievement! Well done Ryan :orange_heart: