Week Three - Check In

Congratulations, you have officially completed another week of your transformation journey!


How are you finding your transformation journey? Let us know :orange_heart:

You can also share any PBs and progress in our Weekly Wins chat here: Your Weekly Wins🏆

We will also be holding our next weekly challenge, so check it out here: Weekly Challenges🥇 - Per4m

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This week knocked my confidence. I had a flare up in my chronic pain so I felt stagnant because I couldn’t do as much. It’s hard when you’ve got a goal because I have to keep telling myself that I am on track still despite the set backs

I managed to get SOMETHING in this week so that’s my win for the week! :heart_eyes:

Still made smart choices and tried not to let my emotions get in the way of the goal


Strong week from me this week. 2lbs down feeling very lean already for me which I’m buzzing with :rofl:

Another week of early get ups to train which I’m loving doing, organisation and stress management will be the key for me this week.

Ps. Anybody else struggling with how to take the back pictures while holding the paper?! I know they’re not supposed to be posed but my back looks absolutely terrible :rofl:


It’s the small wins and carrying on when you don’t feel like it, so well done!! Sorry you have chronic pain, that sucks x

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Can someone please share the check in link for the photos etc? I can’t seem to find it for this week :crazy_face:

Must admit I’m lucky that my wife and I are both doing this so she does my photos - but they are very humbling :joy:

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I just clicked on the link for week one and changed the date :smiling_face:

That is genuinely such a good idea, I don’t know why I didn’t just do that :joy::joy: thank you!

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To check in this is the link: Transform Weekly Check In – PER4M Nutrition

Hey guys!
I have attached the link for week 3 for anybody that is having trouble finding it!

Hope you have all had a great weekend and weekend. Ready to go again tomorrow :muscle:

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