Introduce Yourself👋

Welcome to Trans4m with Per4m🙌

This is your space to connect and chat with others on the same path.

Start by introducing yourself so we can get to know you!:speech_balloon:

:point_right:Follow these 3 prompts:

  1. What’s your name?
  2. Your goal for the next 12 weeks
  3. A fun fact or your favourite Per4m flavour

Hi im Matthew from wigan
Iv joined the challenge to help with the extra push and accountability
Looking forward to the next 12 weeks
Week 1 lets go :grinning:


Hi Everyone
I’m Jen just turned 50 in December so wanting to get back in shape after having to many celebrations over the last few months.
Needed some motivation and accountability
Here to a great next 12 weeks :muscle::facepunch:


I’m Lottie from London :wave:

I’m going to try and gain as much muscle/strength as possible over the 12-week challenge by committing to being as consistent with my food as I am with my gym sessions (I’m hyperactive with a terrible appetite - not a great combo for bulking :sweat_smile:!)

I’m also hoping to meet some like-minded people along the way - starting with this amazing community :star_struck:

My favourite Per4m flavour is carrot cake, hands down, but blueberry muffin and cereal milk are close contenders.

A fun fact about me is that I can’t stand the cold but use to compete across the country (and world) in alpine ski racing and figure skating :joy:


Hello Everyone :wave:t3:

I’m Ella from Hereford.

I’ve joined the challenge to help with the extra push and accountability. Goals for the next 12 weeks are to try and get lean.

My top 3 flavours of per4m protein have got to be CINNAMON DONUT, JAMMY BISCUIT and PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY. Sweet tooth I know!:joy:

Let’s smash the 12 weeks together!!


Hi Matthew!

Great to have you on board. Good luck & let’s smash it!


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Welcome Jen!

Happy belated birthday! Let’s go💪

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Hey Lottie!

Great to have you on board. Time to get strong… and good flavour choices too🙌

Love the ski racing and figure skating comment haha, amazing!

Good luck for the next 12 weeks, have you made a plan of how to achieve your goals? Check out the ‘Your Transformation Plan’ page in the Welcome Pack if not for some tips.

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Welcome Ella!

I am also on a similar journey trying to get lean so great to have you on board!

Good luck💪

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Hi I’m Ryan I joined up for the extra accountability, develop good new habits and become more confident within myself.
My favourite protein flavour at the minute is cookie dough
Favourite hydrate flavour is fizzy bubblegum bottles
I look forward to seeing you all smash your goals and become better these 12 weeks


Hi Ryan!

Welcome to the challenge. We’re so excited to get started and watch all of your transformations.

Good choice on the flavours too!

Are you feeling prepared for the start date next Monday?


For sure excited to get it underway and make full use of the food planner


Hello all!

Tom from Hampshire here!

Hoping to reach 10% body fat this year, got a very long way to go though!

Favourite flavour has to be Jammy Biscuit!!

Hope everyone smashes the challenge!
Good luck all! :facepunch:t2:


Hey Tom!

Welcome to the challenge and good luck with your goals💪


Hi everyone, my name is Rich. Over the next 12 weeks, my goal is to improve my overall health by building more muscle and reducing body fat. I’m looking forward to this challenge as a way to stay motivated and keep myself accountable.

My favourite Per4m flavour has to be the double chocolate whey. I love adding it to my flapjack mix—it boosts the protein content and gives them that amazing Chocotella flavour!

Wishing everyone the best of luck on their own journeys—let’s smash this together! :muscle:


Hey guys!

I’m Bec, I’m originally from Wigan but I currently live up in Newcastle.

My goal for the next 12 weeks is to smash off as much fat as possible basically :sweat_smile: Ive just finished a maintenance phase after cutting for about a year as I let myself get a bit too fluffy (anyone else think this stage is harder than losing the fat btw?!)

Also really looking forward to connecting with likeminded people! Newcastle is great but I haven’t met many people up here yet who share my passion for training.

Favourite per4m flavour is carrot cake, but looking forward to trying the Jammie biscuit which could turn my head :eyes:

Let’s do this!


Love this Lottie!! Carrot cake slays :carrot:

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Hi Bec,

Sounds good, welcome to the challenge! :muscle:

Let us know how you find Jammy Biscuit!

Welcome to the challenge Rich!:rocket:

We can’t wait to see your progress. Give us a shout with any questions and keep an eye on your emails for regular tips, check-ins and motivation!

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I’m Lee based in Scotland, but originally from the Midlands.

Looking forward to becoming more accountable over the next 12 weeks and getting slightly leaner.

Favourite flavour I’ve tried so far is the Cherry Fizz Pre, but looking forward to the Cereal Milk protein as part of my Tran4m pack!