Check in done - I’m down another 1.6kg this week. I’ve really struggled this week with energy and hunger, but I’m getting it done. I’m having a refeed day today!
Now just another 6 weeks to go! Hope everyone is also smashing it!
Thought I’d share a comparison photo now that we are half way through…
Check in done
At the start of week 1 was 72.2kg now at 69.6kg so a lose of 2.6kg which I am pleased with.
Fat percentage though really happy with started at 17.3% now at 15.6% which is a drop of 1.6%
But can see the difference in the photos.
Been a great challenge so far and looking forward to where I will be at, at the end of it.
Cheers. Hard to get an accurate reading going of combinate of scales and calipers at the moment. Just trying to get as close as can to similar readings but not always getting the calipers right and I know scales aren’t that accurate either.