As mentioned I’m a 7hours usually today I managed just over it but , busy with work ,kids etc it’s routine for me , the Mrs gets a lot less cause she’s split shifts she’s more a nap
During the day type :sweat_smile:

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Another night of good sleep. Hopefully the same tonight


I totally shocked myself by actually managing to get 8+hrs of sleep for 2 nights in a row :scream: Wasn’t even planning to post in the thread as I’m usually a 6-7 hour max girlie but felt sooo much better after starting my wind down at 9.30pm rather than scrolling till 11 :grimacing:

Now - off to bed! :rofl:

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Wednesday sleep.

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Reading on the treadmill is such a good hack!!!

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Sleep progress so far this week! :man_dancing::raised_hands: feeling amazing today after 10 hours :heart:

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Somehow managed another night with over 8 hours sleep :sleeping:.

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I did it!!


Not having good luck with this one…Will try harder :muscle:

Thursday sleeps.

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This has been the perfect challenge for me on my week off so far


Not always hitting 8 hours but happy with my sleep quality this week. I try to keep my bedtime and wake time consistent but our dogs sometimes have other ideas :joy:

Friday sleeps.

Saturday sleeps.

Not a bad week overall.

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Well here’s my sleep week - very happy with the quality and consistency. I try to keep my sleep and wake times similar every day to tie in with my circadian rhythm.


Loving seeing all the great sleep scores this week :raised_hands:

Shocked myself by getting over 9 hours last night :scream: I don’t think I’ve slept that long since I was in my early teens - must be growing! :wink:

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Sunday sleeps.

There or there abouts! :grinning: Harder than you think to get the 8 hours sleep!

I managed between 7-8 hours each night which I was pleased with! I find taking magnesium really helps with sleeping and staying asleep if anyone struggles with that x