This week we are challenging you to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day Monday-Sunday!

Sleep is vital, not only for your energy throughout the day but also to ensure you have adequate recovery from exercise. A lack of sleep can also be vital to how your mood and overall motivation are.

Each day, showcase your sleep on your Instagram story or feed with hashtag #TransformWithPer4m or post your total sleep each day in the chat below. We will select one lucky winner to receive a FREE tub of our RELAX Hot Chocolate, designed for managing stress and supporting cortisol.


Sleep extremely underrated. Magic happens when this is on point.


Oh wow! That is a tough one for me, probably only slept for 8hrs once last year yet alone 5 days :rofl:

Normally sleep score of low 80-mid 80s on Fitbit with 6hrs 30-40mins sleep.

Did buy the stress support product above and 2-3 days of 7hr sleeps with 89-90 sleep score so was very surprised (happy)

Still took a magnesium tablet alongside it.

Wil try for 8 hrs! Good luck all and may the REST be with you…

Yes, I’m a geek :rofl:


Good luck Adam! I personally struggle to sleep myself but the relax hot chocolate is a game changer for me as well as putting my phone down at least a couple of hours before I get into bed! I recently took up reading as well so I think this helps a big deal. But don’t worry try your best as sometimes it’s not as easy as others especially if you have young children like myself! :orange_heart:


Completely agree. It’s one of the basics we should sort out first!


Morning all,

Been a little quiet last week, as caught the dreaded flu :sneezing_face: but on the mend and again been at the gym early this morning to get my cardio and some steps done.

I struggle getting 8hrs of sleep in the week, but I will try to aim to get it it.

For me my goal is to come off my phone during the evenings before bed and unwind with my book or even some meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:t2:

Have another great week everyone!

Also I don’t think my watch tracked my sleep correctly​:sweat_smile::weary:


I’ve woken with the flu!! Urgh… Lemsips at the ready!

Hoping it doesn’t linger on!

How do you find reading while doing cardio? Was debating trying to listen to a podcast or something .

Keep up the great work, follow you on Insta and inspiring :saluting_face::muscle:



Well I wish you a speedy recovery, lots of fluids and rest up if you can. Got to listen to the body (nurse talk😂)

So I read on the treadmill to get my steps in or even to cool down and I do this with a pleasurable pace so I can do both :open_book::footprints:

Let me know how you get on too!

Thank you, doing well yourself too :smiling_face::fire:


Being older I find 7 hours does me fine, but here’s my first effort for 8! Very happy with the quality of this sleep :+1:


Hey Ella

Glad your feeling better! Always best to listen to your body when your sick so rest is just as important. We know this may be harder for certain people but like you said even putting your phone away is a great way to relax and un wind before bed.

Have a great week :yellow_heart:


Wishing you a speedy recovery Adam :pray:


Amazing quality. Did you do anything different before bed that you found may off helped Janette? :yellow_heart:


Today’s sleep was rare! I normally get about 7h. I’ll try to get 8h this week though.


Im normally guilty of never getting enough sleep, with working both in the ambulance service and an on call firefighter, some weeks, sleep can be non existant. Last night was a good sleep and i always feel good for a good rest. Ill see what i can do this week :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Tuesday sleep.


Getting close to 8 hours!

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Well Done everyone, I am not even gonna attempt this, I know sleep is good, but I would have to goto bed the same time as the kids to get it in, plus last night watch was on charge so counted nothing hahaha

That’s a huge achievement! Congratulations :clap:

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It’s great that your quality of sleep seems to be improving through attempting this challenge! Keep going :clap:

That’s brilliant Janette! A good sleep score can only be a positive thing! :orange_heart:

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