Anybody else had a dodgy week?

Hey guys,

Loving seeing everybody smashing it, but…

is anybody else having a bit of an annoying, dodgy low mood week this week or is it literally just me? :rofl:

Had to drag myself to the gym every session, doubted myself multiple times, felt like I can’t be arsed every single morning. It’s been a battle!

We push through though and hope tomorrow will be a better day! Training is always the thing that sorts my head out :muscle:t3:

Just wanted anybody else doing the challenge out there who may feel like me to know they aren’t alone - we can’t have good weeks every week!


Hey Bec, you said it: tomorrow will be a better day! I have just cancelled my gym session for tomorrow morning. I’ve been pushing myself since we started the challenge and feel I need a rest day. So only Pilates for me tomorrow :blush:

Have a good night’s sleep (so important) and tomorrow you’ll be fresh and with more energy - you’ll smash it! :muscle:


Love this! Important to know when your body needs rest, Pilates will probably loosen you up a bit and revitalise you!

That’s so true - my sleep this week has been absolutely terrible so that’s probably why I’ve felt like this!

Thanks for the positive words of support :green_heart:

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Definitely feeling the motivation to get it all done slipping like which isn’t good this early on haha but I’m dragging myself to do my workouts and getting it done. Went on the scales this morning just for a bit of clarity in what I am doing is working, weight is coming down nicely so that has helped a bit with my mood haha


Not just me then. Training has been fine but I really struggle when at home at night and not wanting to eat chocolate and crisps.
Food as always been my struggle when dieting.

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Hey Bec!

In terms of having a “dodgy” week, most of the time it comes down to what you’re expecting of yourself!

Success should be determined by the behaviors you complete. You’ll have a lot more wins that way.

This is usually the time of year people start to drop off…

Too much too soon

17th week of January

Pay day is upon us

It could be multiple reasons!

Always remember why you’re doing the things you’re doing, and that’ll see you through 1% better every single day is all you should ask! All those 1% amount to something fantastic :rocket::rocket: let’s go!


Defs I pulled my back muscles in the gym today! So annoying! But hey we move :joy:

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Hey guys!

keeping on track can be tough. The initial hype wears off, and life’s curveballs start rolling in. Luckily we are all hear to support each other :pray:

Stay very connected to your ‘why’ you are doing this. And remember what’s a better feeling than feeling good :orange_heart:


Noooo way absolute nightmare! Happened to me a couple of months ago! Hope you recover quickly :green_heart:

Yeah :sweat_smile: literally been so ill so cardios taken a bit of a hit this week due to me not being able to breathe :rofl:


Hey guys! We’re nearly at the end of week 4!
C’mon let’s keep going, we can do this! :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Smashing it! Amazing mindset Adri, were all in this together come on team!! :yellow_heart:

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