Documenting the process

Hey guys,

Anyone else on here documenting their challenge / posting content on socials?

I’m using this as a way to stay accountable to training hard and also get used to being in front of a camera / speaking on camera as it’s something I find really uncomfortable :rofl:

Here’s my day 2 of training/life video:

Would love to follow & watch other people’s content for inspiration and to offer support, so comment your handles below / follow me and ill follow back!


Yes! Fellow Rebecca :joy: xteainwithRB and on insta and TikTok mainly! Need to edit the videos that’s the longer process haha! day 2 has been good so far just have my training session to go! Excited to weigh myself Friday 🫶🏻


Hey fellow Rebecca :rofl::muscle:t3:

HAHAHA as if, another Rebecca with the same problem - I’m a bit backlogged on the editing ill be two videos behind after I train tonight :rofl:

Dropped you a follow

Go on girl!! :fire:

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Loving the video Bec :raised_hands:t2:

Keep up the hard work!

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Really like this, I’m just rubbish at making videos! Going to try and do ‘week’ vlogs to keep accountable!


Nice video, wish I could do the same.
Day 2 training was good :muscle:
My food diary & top arrived today :smiley:


Vlogs are still prefect Chelsi and a great way to watch your progress for the next 12 weeks :raised_hands:

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Great to hear your bundle arrived Adri! What did you go for :raised_hands:

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Day 2: Gym session followed by a Pilates class :blush:
Feeling great!

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sounds like you have smashed today Adri! I love doing Pilates myself especially reformer :raised_hands:

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Thank you Jodie.
I wanted to upload a little video of my workout at the gym today but for some reason I can’t. Will try just taking a photo next time!

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Love it Adri well done!! Get yourself on TikTok :fire:

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Same mate but practice makes perfect! So easy to make half decent videos these days too even the free version of CapCut to edit is unreal!

Salted caramel - can’t wait to try it! :smiley:

Thank you, Bec :blush:
Love your videos, wish I was a bit more savvy when it comes to documenting through videos.

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Consistency is key team!

As some of you will be aware our office staff are also doing our own 12-week challenge (don’t worry we can’t win the prizes🤣) so here is an update from me!

Monday: Pilates and lifting class
Tuesday: Quads
Wednesday: Chest
Thursday: Glutes&Hammies
Friday: Shoulders and Back

Hit 10-11k steps every day this week and stuck to my macros documented in my food diary.

The weekend is nearly here so I’m going to go for a hike tomorrow and do some yoga and meal prep on Sunday ready for the week ahead.

How is everyone else getting on?


Absolutely loving seeing and supporting everyone’s content on socials so far.

Here’s the next vid in my journey:

Promise im on about training day bloody 7 at this point, up to my eyeballs in video editing backlog :rofl::rofl:


Happy check in day everyone! I’m down 1.6kg this week. Hope everyone is smashing it!


94,347 steps this week :white_check_mark:
6/6 gym sessions :white_check_mark:
4/45min stairmaster cardio :white_check_mark: