A good week so far, stuck to my calories and go my training done.
Your mind is a funny thing isn’t it, pre gym - questioning if you should go, but once there - you love it !
Certainly found my mindset is shifting more positive and an extra spring in my step and pulling myself out of the rut I admit I was in.
Couple of times you weigh yourself, thinking or hoping would be more, but reminding myself -
Trust the process, it’s a journey not a sprint so I’ve kept the week 1 printout to remind myself, it’s just week one… one day, one week at a time.
One thing I need to improve on is higher volume food for lunches, to ensure fuller for longer. Working in a hospital, oddly there are zero healthy options to buy food. It’s either unhealthy fatty food or packaged sandwiches and not even good ones!
So, need to prep better next week and equally over the last few months, a packaged sandwich meal of sandwich, crisps and a drink is £8!!! And I live in Worcester not London haha!
Insane isn’t it, so money to be saved, healthy options to be improved so very much open to ideas!
Hope you’ve all had a good week, I’ve comfort ate through work stress so want to be open about the battles and how I’m trying to turn it around.
Everyone’s posts, everyone’s positive mindsets is really helping me, so thank you! Have an awesome weekend and sorry for the essay haha.