We want to know why you want to Trans4m with Per4m, but it is also important to remind yourself of why you are transforming too, in order to continue working towards that end goal/target.
I have been over celebrating turning 50 in December, gym workouts were non existent for the last 4 months as I started to get what I now know is sciatica.
For me I need to eat well and attend gym sessions together. Changing my mindset on this attitude would be good as sometimes life gets in the way and gym sessions aren’t always possible. This is where I usually have my down fall. If I can re program myself to having the correct amount of daily macros then that’s a day that has been won. If I manage a gym session that’s a win win day.
Hey I’m Lottie, the face behind ‘Weetabix and Whey’ - a name that pretty for much summed up my entire diet until recently. After battling with a chronic GI condition for nearly a decade, I’m committing to pushing beyond my comfort zone and transforming my body in 2025.
Products from brands like Per4m have played a critical role in my diet thus far, helping me meet my nutritional needs during flare ups and often being the only thing I feel like eating when I have zero appetite (your MRP was a lifesaver when it came to liquid calories ).
That’s why I’m super excited to be taking part in the Transform with Per4m challenge (and sharing my journey along the way - @weetabixandwhey if you want to connect on Instagram ), demonstrating how protein/supplements can go beyond tasty treats and become tools for transformation
Sounds great Jen, if you need any help with macros we have a Calorie Counter here: Per4m Calorie Calculator | Track Your Nutrition Goals – PER4M Nutrition
Amazing Lottie, we have just dropped you a follow to stay connected on IG too!
Hey guys!
I’ve been on a journey to transform for about a year and a half now - I’ve been battling against my terrible habit of being on a ‘lifelong’ diet and constantly yoyoing up and down with my weight for years.
I got a coach who has massively helped me with my habits, my mindset and relationship with food (which was absolutely terrible) and I’ve managed to lose 40lbs so far, but still don’t feel like I’m anywhere near where I want to be!
My aim is to lose as much fat as I can on this challenge so I can FINALLY start building some actual muscle (which will take bloody forever)
Good luck gang let’s smash it!
Having gone from 13 stone to 16 stone, this was the perfect opportunity to turn this spiraling out of control back on track!
Love the brand, so was intrigued, excited what this was all about!
Love a community, love working together and seeing people succeed so very much a team player
Celebrate each others success as we all smaaaaaaaaash it
Instagram is Llewellyn.tank
My why is that turning 30 this year it’s made me realise how much I want to look after my body so I can have as many years being strong and fit and healthy as possible 🫶🏼
Hey Everyone,
I have a couple of reasons for my Why, but the most important is to practice discipline. If I can be disciplined to achieve my body without distraction then it will follow through with every aspect of my life.
Also to be fit and healthier as I get older
Good luck mate ! You got this
Hiya! My names Rebecca and I’m 30. My main why is to get fit and healthy and dropping the weight that I’ve been carrying for most of my life. I have PCOS and struggle with weight gain, where it takes months to drop the weight but a matter of weeks to gain it.
Because of my PCOS, the possibility of having children, although not impossible, is one of my main factors in why I haven’t been able to fall pregnant. The NHS will not help unless I’m within a certain weight bracket and I’m ready to finally loose the weight and get the help I need to start a family. I also want to make sure that I’m able to run after them and be fit and healthy to be in their lives. 🫶🏻
I fell out of love with training and the gym and for the past year or so have just been enjoying other aspects in life and neglecting health and fitness, but I now feel unhappy in my own body and it’s time to get that motivation back and get the old me back (or even better, a new and improved version)
Got a holiday to Ibiza booked in July, which is another motivation to get fit and get shredded. let’s do this!
Right in the feels over falling out of love for that so fully get that!
New year, a holiday is a perfect way to reignite the fire so looking forward to seeing your updates as very similar to mine.
Hey bec
Sounds great! Be sure to make a plan of how to achieve your goals in your transformation plan! Any questions make sure you give us a shout
Great mindset! Lets all work together and smash our goals
How have you found the first morning off the challenge?
Amazing! I too am on a similar journey as yourself
Be sure to reach out with any questions and good luck on your first day off the challenge!
All good so far, trained & tracked calories!
Little tired from the workout but that will be just getting used to training again in the morning as opposed to not training
Loving the positive messages on here, so excited to be apart of this
My Why: I want to feel strong physically and mentally and be a role model for my daughter so she sees a healthy lifestyle with lots of physical activity and healthy meals as something normal.
I want to be the leanest and fastest I’ve ever been and become and all round beast !
Me too mate tired and hungry already