We are into the final few weeks of Transform with Per4m, so we want to know how you are all keeping yourselves motivated to push through and walk that extra mile, do that extra rep or run that extra kilometre!
For me it is the idea that I am doing it for myself and to better myself. My mindset is that, I am only cheating myself and going back on all of my hard work if I give up now.
Everyone handles a transformation in their own unique ways that work best for them, so it would be great to know how you are all managing it!
It does feel like a bit of a hump week at the moment, my motivation is that i’m seeing a good change in my mind, not as moody and more focused, so I don’t want to loose that feeling.
In turns of the gym naturally the Couch to 5K is gonna push me, first time runing for 3 minutes this week and what a change, to match non running days I had upped my stairmaster time to keep the push. I feel that some of my weights cannot be upped, so to change it up I have got some fat grips to make the gripping harder and then make my body work harder for the same weight.
I am also going to be really pushing the macros, track my carb and protein intake with calories burnt and keep all fat below 70g. Helping doing this with Cream of Rice, errr, mixed with my meal replacement and isolate whey.
That’s good to hear John! Keep it up, I think having those down days are completely normal and it’s great that you’re maintaining your focus even on those difficult days
I have been pushing through thinking of how I will look at myself in the warmer weather, so pleased with the effort I made to get summer prepared early, I’m also nursing an injury which is slowly getting better, so that is motivating me even more! Come on everyone, let’s smash these final few weeks !
It’s great to see such a positive mindset despite the injury Ryan, having goen through periods of unjury when playing football, I know that it is extremely hard when being injured to maintain a positive mindset. Great to see!
Well at 61 I feel like everyone’s Grandma here, but I want to remind you all that by doing this challenge, by upping your game, whether it be by including healthy foods into your diet or introducing exercise into your daily routine, you are adding quality years to your lives. In the next few weeks you will really consolidate sustainable changes which will last you a lifetime, making you fitter, healthier human beings who will set fine examples to your own children and grandchildren. Congratulations to you all!
For me my motivation is that each week that passes by I can see improvement.
The improvement maybe big or small but it’s still there. So knowing that it keeps me going.
It’s also I’ve come this far and seen a good change in all aspects of my life by doing this challenge so if it’s like this at this stage then what am i going to be like at the end which is such an exciting feeling.
To be honest I will be gutted when it’s finished but will be proud of myself.
Brilliant Mike, seeing improvements is always a good metric of success! I think once the challenge is over, continuing the healthy habits and routine is the hardest part
A few things are keeping me motivated to finish this challenge strong. Firstly we go away for our wedding the week after the challenge finishes (perfect timing), my original intention was to be in my best shape possible for this. Hopefully it won’t be downhill from there for my future wife
The second thing is seeing new detail in my physique week to week, always encouraging to see the suffering is working
And finally the biggest thing that always keeps me disciplined/motivated is remembering the feeling of disappointment when I know I didn’t commit myself. Long term I won’t remember the grumpy low energy days but I will always remember the times I could’ve done better.
It’s I had a bit of a slump to the end of last week going into this week, so I had upped my calorie intake for a few days while making sure my step goals were met.
I have now gone back to my 2000 cal intake and feeling motivated to push through til the end. Never really ran before and having seen my 5k time drop over the course of this challenge and also run my first ever 10k it definitely gives me motivation to keep breaking the PB.
Planning to keep up with 3 runs a week and 3 or 4 gym sessions per week, final push to the end of the challenge!
For me, it’s seeing the changes; as tough as it was seeing the pictures from the first check-in, it’s great to see how things have progressed week on week. I set myself goals each week to be better than the last, which seems to be working for me.
I feel good and more focused, so I’ll continue to challenge myself even after these 12 weeks and I’ll be 47 in May so I want to be in the best shape possible by this time.