Just thought I would try start a chat to see what ppls instigator for the health kick/change of diet etc
Mine was something in my head went “click”
Had a array of skin issues , breathing issues,panic attacks to the point I though I was taking heart attacks, constant back pain , and anxiety, mentally I thought I was alright , but it soon flared up and I was not in a good place and I just got up one day and started changing my diet piece by piece near two years later 8.5 stone off and inspiring others has to be my ultimate success and motivation I’m actually helping ppl who I haven’t spoken to in years
And it’s weird but now I’m thinner I feel ppl treat and act different to me , like they show me some respect
Impressive achievement, good for you finding something that’s working for ya and getting you healthy mate 
My kick start to loose weight was around this time last year. I could not easily play with the kids, out of breath going up the stairs and knee pain. I knew going to sandwich/cake shop everyday was bad but it tasted too good.
I finally started to just do cardio at the gym and eventually asked a mate if she could PT me over whatsapp and she has been amazing.
I started off at 129kg (20.3stone), begining of this program I was 118kg (18.58) and last weigh in was 112.4kg (17.69) total lose so far 16.6kg (2.61stone)
I feel better and not shy to walk anywhere. Even had a race with a bus in heavy traffic back to my house 3.5 miles down the road. Not sure if he knew he was racing.
Like Colin, speaking more to an old friend who has challenge me to a marathan…Beachy Head Marathan and I have accepted the challenge starting Couch to 5K, which I never thought I would have done.
Well Done Colin and keep it up.