This week we are challenging you to share your recipes!:plate_with_cutlery:

Whether that be a “What I Eat in a Day” Reel/TikTok, sharing your favourite recipes in the Recipe Exchange, or posting your meals on your Instagram stories with the hashtag #TransformWithPer4m.

By sharing your tasty meals, you will be entered to win a FREE box of Protein Bars in a flavour of your choice! Good luck🙌


Nutrition for today:

3 * egg protein pots ( 1 egg protein pot + graze nuts before gym session and only have 2 yellows, rest egg whites)
2 scoops Per4m Whey Blueberry muffin, Per4m Creatine monohydrate, Per4m Amino Burn + Greens with water (post training)
Arla protein Yoghurt + 18 Almonds +2 piece 85% Dark Chocolate
1 Protein bar
1 scoop Per4m whey Chocolate Orange + water
Dinner = 1 tuna can, 2 spoons of lentils + plate of vegetables, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, Brocolli.



Pre/post workout creatine,cola pre, watermelon electrolyte ,red velvet protein.

Overnight oats
Pasta with roasted med veg and chicken breast
Mince and onion ,carrots , beetroot , broccoli , green beans
Protein shake
Protein pudding with banana and granola

Same pre and post
Overnight oats
Pork mince egg fried rice with loads of veg
Same tea as yesterday
Protein pudding
Protein Yog and fruit bowl

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Sounds great Naomi! What do you put in your overnight oats? It’s been a topic of discussion in our office the last few weeks as we all make them in different ways haha!

Sound amazing! Love the Chocolate Orange whey too! :orange_heart:

Many variations :sweat_smile: this mornings was Caramel biscuit protein 30g
20g oats
10g chia seeds
Grated apple
80ml apple juice
60g 0% fat yoghurt
15g raisins
10g flaked almonds
Pinch cinnamon

One of my faves :drooling_face:


That sounds delicious, I’ve never tried Chia Seeds so I’m intrigued by that! :eyes:

The best protein pancakes:
30g self raising
50g egg whites
30g cookies & cream Per4m whey
Lidl protein pudding
75g Getpro cookies shake

Whisk - fry light fry and top with;
20g powdered peanut butter
10g cookies & cream Per4m whey
15g chocolate chips spread through the layers

Perfect as a birthday treat (Monday, pre workout) and pre workout in general :yum:

Love this Lauren! I love anything dessert like its my down fall so protein pancakes are always a winner for me! :yellow_heart:

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Happy birthday! From the per4m Team :yellow_heart:

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Thank you! 46 years young and competing in my first bodybuilding show next year for the first time :partying_face: my brain hasn’t come to terms with my age yet, I think my body is in denial too :joy:

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Same!! I’m going to attempt some protein cream filled doughnuts at some point so I will let you know how they turn out, I love messing about in the kitchen

What I eat in a day (double training day edition)

Pre run- banana and hydrate pineapple rings :yum:

Post run- 100g sourdough and 4 medium eggs

Lunch- soup and garlic bread

Pre lift- 75g jammy biscuit cream of rice with 100g berries, 15g honey, pink salt and caramel biscuit whey paste

Post lift- 90g coco pops, 250 ml unsweetened almond milk, 30g cookie dough whey and a banana

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Breakfast 1- protein greek yogurt, blueberry’s, raspberry’s, kiwi, cinnamon, 85% dark chocolate

Breakfast 2-protein oats

Lunch- chicken and veg

Dinner 1- mince beef, eggs, peppers and red onions

Dinner 2- 1/2 lettuce, 1/3 cucumber, rice, tuna

Post workout- coco pops, protein shake

Last nights Biscoff ice cream made with Per4m caramel biscuit :heart_eyes:


Instagram post what I eat in a day


Congratulations to @shambles247 for winning this weeks challenge! :clap:

We will message you privately on Instagram from our account @per4mbetter shortly so we can sort your prize! :orange_heart:

You have all done amazing and we have loved seeing all of your posts and recipes this past week! :plate_with_cutlery:

We also want to know who’s taking part in this weeks hydration challenge!

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Cod with pesto, broccoli, tomatoes, chickpeas and cous cous - delicious! :yum:

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Good morning Adri! :wave:

It’s great to see that you’re interacting with this section of the forum despite the challenge being closed! :orange_heart:

That recipe looks amazing too, lots of colour on your plate :clap: