WEEK 2 CHALLENGE: 10K STEPS (20th-26th)

Friday :white_check_mark:

Saturday steps.

Saturday steps

Well done everyone these are my weeks steps
On 6000 already and have a walk planed with some of the gym lot at 10am :grinning:

Day 7 :ok_hand:

A good steps week, was difficult in London & with travelling but got there!!

Well done to everyone in smashing this weeks challenge! Amazing work guys well done :raised_hands:t2::orange_heart:



I’m the worlds worst for not always appearing on things that I don’t have a app and notifications on my phone for :joy: , but caught up my steps after Fridays storm closed down pretty much everything locally , sent home at 12:00 at work and gym closed etc but I smashed my steps on the treadmill on sat and done legs and felt it in the Sunday :joy:today I just done some as what I referr to as TITs and shoodurz (in a deep Scottish :scotland: accent ) :muscle:t3:, and tried this death machine when your used to a motorised treadmill this was some getting used to :joy::joy:

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Week 2 challenge in the bag!! :fire::zap:


Sunday - completed it!!!

Saturday and Sunday Done 7/7 over 15k

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Sunday steps.

congratulations everyone! :yellow_heart: :muscle:

Congratulations to @weetabixandwhey for winning the 10K step challenge! :clap:

We will message you privately on Instagram from our account @per4mbetter shortly so we can sort your prize! :orange_heart:

You have all done amazing and we have loved seeing all of your posts and stories of your adventures this past week! :walking_woman:t3:

We also want to know who’s taking part in this weeks 8 hour sleep challenge?

Good Luck🧡


Steps today. Still trying to do at least 10,000 a day. Hopefully dancing counts as well! :dancer:t4:


That’s a brilliant attitude to have! Well done :clap:

Thank you so much @Connor :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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