My goal - Pull ups

Morning Everyone,

Hope you are doing well, Wednesday for me which means rest day.
Even though I’ve been to the gym already to do some steps (10k) I’ve also done some pull ups.

This is my little goal to get better at pull ups.
I started off with a band and now I can do three without the band.
Can’t upload the video, but a little photo and I’m so bloody proud of myself​:smiling_face:. It’s not easy​:sweat_smile::joy:.

Remember, every workout we face we are doing extremely well. So continue to be proud of yourself’s👍🏼


Well done, Ella! :clap::clap::clap:
Looks impressive! :muscle:
I’m still working on my pull ups.

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Start with this, maybe? :blush:

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Well done Ella! Hard work pays off! :raised_hands: :yellow_heart: