Getting Started: Your Transformation Plan💪

Your Transformation Plan.

Set Goals, Build Habits, Per4m Better.

This is your roadmap to success. The prompts below are designed to help you reflect, plan and commit to your transformation journey.

  1. What is your primary fitness goal for the next 12 weeks? (e.g. weight loss, muscle gain etc.)
  2. What measurable result would make you feel successful?
  3. How do you want to feel at the end of this transformation?
  4. What challenges do you anticipate during this journey? (e.g. time, cravings, motivation etc.)
  5. How will you overcome these challenges?
  6. What dietary changes do you need to make?
  7. What is your current Fitness Level? (e.g. beginner, intermediate, advanced)
  8. How many days per week can you dedicate to working out?
  9. What will you do to stay accountable and track your progress? (e.g. check ins, posting in the community forum, sharing your progress on social media!)
  10. What will your weekly routine look like?

Use your Food Diary to plan your meals for the week ahead and log your macros. We also recommend planning out your workouts each week and tracking your weights progression each week.

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